ZHbjh pore size distribution
bjh pore size distribution, Total:11 items.
In the international standard classification, bjh pore size distribution involves: Linear and angular measurements, Particle size analysis. Sieving, Refractories.
German Institute for Standardization, bjh pore size distribution
- DIN 66134:1998 Determination of the pore size distribution and the specific surface area of mesoporous solids by means of nitrogen sorption - Method of Barrett, Joyner and Halenda (BJH)
- DIN 66134:1998-02 Determination of the pore size distribution and the specific surface area of mesoporous solids by means of nitrogen sorption - Method of Barrett, Joyner and Halenda (BJH)
- DIN 66139 E:2010-02 Pore size analysis - Representation of pore size distributions
- DIN 66139:2012-03 Pore size analysis - Representation of pore size distributions / Note: To be replaced by DIN 66139 (2022-12).
- DIN 66139:2012 Pore size analysis - Representation of pore size distributions
- DIN 66139:2022-12 Pore size analysis - Representation of pore size distributions / Note: Date of issue 2022-11-18*Intended as replacement for DIN 66139 (2012-03).
SCC, bjh pore size distribution
- DIN 66139 E:2010 Draft Document - Pore size analysis - Representation of pore size distributions
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), bjh pore size distribution
- ASTM UOP964-98 Surface Area, Pore Volume, Average Pore Diameter and Pore Diameter Distribution of Porous Materials
- ASTM UOP964-11 Surface Area, Pore Volume, Average Pore Diameter, and Pore Size Distribution of Porous Materials by Nitrogen Adsorption
Universal Oil Products Company?(UOP), bjh pore size distribution
- UOP 964-2011 Surface Area, Pore Volume, Average Pore Diameter, and Pore Size Distribution of Porous Materials by Nitrogen Adsorption
Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, bjh pore size distribution
- YB/T 118-1997 Test method for pore size distribution of refractory